Effective and efficient inventory management is of utmost importance to an organic fruit distributor.
The concept of Power Apps’ cost-efficient, low-code approach was appealing to Mason. He had previously worked with another development team that built out an expensive (but flawed) inventory management app. So, HGO was still in the market for a solid solution.
Skypoint was tapped to help HGO create a quality control (QC) inspection app using Power Apps.
Since HGO serves as the distribution arm for growers, having transparent reporting during the inspection process is of the utmost importance. Reliable tools are a critical piece in enabling Mason’s team to communicate effectively with their growers and share the highest level of detail.
“(Skypoint) helped us develop a QC inspection app, which turned out to be a big win,” said Mason. “It allows us to keep our eyes on the fruit running through our packing houses. We can take pictures, evaluate the fruit, and provide reports with high-quality details to growers.”
Thanks to the QC Power App, Mason and his team can publish reports using Power BI and send them to growers regularly and frequently. The suppliers are able to understand the defects in their fruits and take steps to avoid defects and issues in the future. Consolidated data gives growers insights and transparency into what’s happening with their fruit along the supply chain.
“Our ability to provide high-quality reporting to growers efficiently has become the envy of the industry. Competitors with business models similar to ours simply can’t provide suppliers with the same level of transparency,” said Mason.