Have you ever baked a cake and it didn’t taste right? What if you could go back in time and see what was missing or what you added too much of? The same happens with software when you don’t quite get what you wanted and want to review the history of changes. Wouldn’t that be great to do with Power Apps components? You could review the history and tell what changes were made.
Well, now our guest Alfredo Cerritos will show you how you can do that. Microsoft has recently added Smart XML Diffing to Power Apps that can be a real time-saver for you and your development team. The tool is a quick gateway to review the changes between component solution layers.
You can find more info on this session in this blog post: https://powerapps.microsoft.com/en-us/blog/power-apps-makers-fix-your-solution-woes-with-smart-xml-diffing/