Elements of DAX with Brian Grant

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New to DAX development or need to brush up on your skills? This Elements of DAX video series with Brian Grant is here to help you on your DAX journey.

The goal of this CSG Pro video series is to take some of the mystery out of DAX so you feel more confident. Essentially, DAX is a system composed of elements that repeat themselves over and over. If you played with Legos™ when you were a kid (or, if you still do…no judgment), DAX is a lot like that. You assemble different parts to build something awesome.

In the Elements of DAX video series, Brian breaks DAX down into three steps:

  1. Filtering (aka Revising existing filters)
  2. Deriving Tables
  3. Iterating

Individually, these concepts are fairly easy to understand. But, you really need to understand all three of these steps inside and out to become a pro. As you enter the world of filtering, deriving tables, and iterating, DAX becomes much more complex. The CSG Pro Elements of DAX video series simplifies and clarifies to set you up for success.

Understanding what’s happening under the DAX hood puts you in the power position. Ready to kick some serious DAX ass? You’re gonna love this video series.

Click here to download the companion files


All videos can be viewed right here or on the CSG Pro YouTube channel.


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