3 Senior Living Trends To Watch in 2023

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The senior living industry has been through plenty of ups and downs over the past few years with the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic and the resulting economic fallout. As senior living organizations have navigated these challenges, they’ve needed to make adjustments and redefine expectations.

Moving forward into 2023, we’re looking at ways to create positive changes for residents, staff, and the community at large. Working in the senior living space, it’s easy to get caught up in day-to-day operations rather than planning for the future.

Understanding some of the leading trends and patterns in the industry will help you allocate your resources and focus your strategy. Here are three key trends in the senior living industry to watch for in 2023.

1. Engage With Baby Boomers in New Ways

The Baby Boomer generation is reaching retirement age, and 65 to 70 million people in this age group are likely to join the senior living industry this year. Baby Boomers differ from previous generations in many ways, so senior living organizations will need to find new ways to engage with them and their families.

For example, many Baby Boomers and their younger families use technology differently than previous generations. Phone calls might have been the best way to communicate in the past, but today’s patients often prefer the instant gratification of a text message or email.

In 2023, explore new ways of communication to see what resonates best with your patients.

2. Adopt Technology to Save Time

Many senior living organizations are understandably slow to adopt new technologies. With busy days full of resident care, there isn’t always time to train staff on new programs and processes.

However, adopting new technology now will save your organization time down the road. Implementing technology helps your team be more productive and provide better care for residents.

In particular, many senior living organizations will be focusing on AI and automation in 2023. Automated technology can handle routine tasks, which gives staff extra time to focus on more challenging and engaging tasks. AI has the potential to handle a variety of different tasks, ranging from operations to marketing and more.

3. Improve Employee Wellness and Engagement

An increased focus on employee engagement and satisfaction will be key throughout 2023. Staff are arguably the most important part of any senior living facility. When staff are happy, residents are more likely to be happy too.

While staff turnover has slowed down in recent months, it’s important to watch out for quiet quitting among your team. Quiet quitting commonly happens when employees don’t feel valued, so be sure to communicate with them about their needs on a regular basis.

It’s also crucial for employees to have access to the training and mentorship they need. Not only does this improve employee retention, but it also sets your most promising team members up for leadership positions in the future.

At Skypoint Cloud, we’re helping senior living owners and operators keep up with these 2023 trends by adopting new technologies. If you’re interested in learning more about our data solutions for senior living facilities, don’t hesitate to reach out.

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