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Power BI Tutorial: Advanced Report Interaction Video Series

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All you care about is understanding your data and making informed business decisions. Microsoft Power BI is a complex platform, with many features and user paths. You only need to know a few key components well to get the job done. The Skypoint CSG Business User Video Series is a Power BI tutorial made specifically for professionals like you.

The Business User Video Series will help you:

  • Understand how to use key Microsoft Power BI reports so you can drive the most organizational value.
  • Make important data-driven decisions, then take action strategically.
  • Gain confidence in the best way to use Power BI for the greater good of your organization.


Part 3: Advanced Report Interaction

Advanced Report Interaction is Part 3 in our three-part Business User Video Series. If you missed Part 1: Basic Report Interaction and Part 2: Getting to Know Power BI, watch those videos before you dive into the advanced series. Okay, ready to get fancy? This Power BI tutorial shows you how easy it is to tackle more advanced features, like using bookmarks and exporting into PowerPoint. Let’s do this…

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Advanced reports driving you crazy? We live for this stuff…work with Skypoint CSG.

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