DAX 101: Demystifying DAX Evaluation Context

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Featured in the January 24th, 2024 edition of the Portland Fabric User Group

“DAX Evaluation Context”, just the name alone strikes fear into the heart of even seasoned Power BI developers. The reality however, is that Evaluation Context in DAX isn’t hard to understand, it’s simply hard to describe. In this session Brian Grant will use a technique called “Formula Decomposition” to visually break down a big DAX formula into a chain of smaller, bit-sized sub-formulas. This will create the platform needed for Brian to make the concepts of Evaluation Context both clear to understand and easy to remember.

At the end of the presentation you will both have a clear idea of how to visualize Row and Filter Context, and also understand how the sub-formulas leverage these contexts to produce the answers you see on a Power BI page.

Furthermore, the next time you look at a big intimidating DAX formula, you will know how to break it down into bite sized chunks so they can be understand one at a time.

About Brian Grant

Hailing from beautiful Portland Oregon, Brian is a Senior Business Analytics consultant with local data heroes Skypoint. Having spent his early years deep in the study of acting and screenwriting, he finally graduated Summa Cum Laude with a degree in Economics. His driving belief is that the biggest barrier most people face when learning technology isn’t technology at all, but language. Taught the right way, most people can learn most things; helping people learn skills that are “too technical” for them is his greatest joy. He is the author of the Elements of DAX series on YouTube. You can also check out Brian Grant’s blog.

About DAX
Data Analysis Expressions (DAX) is a formula expression language used in Power BIAnalysis Services, and Power Pivot in Excel.

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